Couples Massage


The tantra massage for couples combines individual enjoyment with the shared experience of sensual moments. Each partner is pampered by his / her own masseur / masseuse in tantric style, but the spatial proximity enables both to perceive, smell and breathe each other, to dare brief glances or even contact between hands. 

If it turns out during the preliminary talk that the couple would prefer to experience the massage in separate rooms, this is of course possible. As with every Tantra massage, the following applies here too: the guests' well-being and trust come first and there is no pressure to perform. The focus is solely on the self-perception and discovery of every single guest.


Are you booking a couples massage in one room? Then treat yourself to a two hours massage to really switch off.


Here you can find all offers with the associated prices


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! By phone or email
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